The Go for Launch! Young Adult Support Group is an environment for adults ages 18-25 to find common ground with their peers navigating issues of self development, healthy relationships, discovering a career path, and other challenges in emerging adulthood.

This is a weekly therapy group that goes month to month—new participants start at the beginning of the month and commit to attend for the entire month. The cost to attend is $180/month, private pay only. This is an especially great option for young adults who don’t attend individual therapy but still want a rewarding therapeutic experience.

The group leader, Katherine, has five years of experience specifically leading both educational and supportive groups for young adults, and was the leader of the Young Adults program at her former practice, where she also coordinated monthly field trips and collaborated with other staff on the YA Team. She is trained in the Transition to Independence Process (TIP) Model through Stars Training Academy.

Group meets in person on Tuesdays from 2-3:30pm at Looking Glass Well Being in Royal Oak:

504 E. 4th St.
Royal Oak, MI 48067

The next group begins on October 3, 2023. Before attending group you must complete a consultation call with Katherine. To register for the group, or for more information, please complete the form below and Katherine will reach out to you:

The only normal people are the ones you don’t know very well.